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Computex – Taipei

It’s hot and muggy here in Taipei. Just like home in North Carolina!

Weather aside, Taipei is definitely not Raleigh. Taipei is a big city with tall buildings. Right next to the hotel is the Taipei 101 which was the world’s tallest building for a few years. The streets are full of cars and motor scooters. People here walk quickly and purposefully. All of Computex seems to be filled with similar purpose and drive. It reminds me a quite bit of COMDEX in Vegas in its prime. Technology has taken over a city only too glad to embrace that technology. In next week’s blog, I’ll let you know about some of the cool things showing here.

I’ve had some interesting HDXPRT meetings so far. One of them helped me to remember some of the non-technical challenges of a successful benchmark. We’ve mentioned benchmark challenges like reliability (it needs to run when you need it to run) and repeatability (it needs to give similar results—within a few percent—each time you run it). I discussed with folks from one PC performance Web site the importance of a benchmark having some permanence. If the benchmark changes too frequently, you can’t compare the current product with the one you reviewed a couple months ago. With HDXPRT, our goal is an annual cycle. That should allow for comparing to older results while still keeping the benchmark current.

Any folks who may be here in Taipei for Computex, please come on by the Hyatt. We can talk about HDXPRT, benchmarks in general, or what you would most like to see in the future of performance evaluation. If nothing else, come by and escape the humidity! Drop us an email at and set up a time to come on over.


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