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Thankful for consumers

This week in the US occur a pair of days that push in opposite directions—Thanksgiving and Black Friday. The former implores us to be thankful and the latter to consume. It seems like Black Friday is surpassing Thanksgiving in terms of importance, or at least media coverage.

I don’t particularly want to fight the Black Friday crowds, but I love reading all the ads. In them, I see all manner of consumer devices from smartphones to 4K TVs to computers to tablets. I see lots of cool devices I might want, but little help in choosing between them.

Which of the many Android smartphones will provide me with a better experience? Are any of the TVs really capable of browsing the Web or is that just a checkbox item? Is this notebook computer the best choice for creating the complex content my Web site needs? Which of these Windows 8.1 tablets will best let me manipulate my photos and videos?

I see consumers in need of tools like the XPRTs to help select products. Their ability to help uncover and understand the facts that differentiate products can be an important part of the buying process. For that, I’m thankful! My hope is that over the coming months, the next version of each of the XPRTs will make great strides in helping buyers make more informed decisions when choosing between products.

I’m also thankful to the community that makes the XPRTs possible. And, to the folks who work hard making the devices we all want to buy on Black Friday.

Finally, thanks to all of you who read this blog. Have a great Thanksgiving!


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