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HDXPRT 2012 and Windows 8

One of our community members asked whether HDXPRT 2012 would support Windows 8. It certainly is one of our goals. The current beta does not work with Windows 8, however. Problems with a couple of the applications themselves prevent the current version from installing on Windows 8.

We will continue to test beta versions of HDXPRT 2012 with beta versions of Windows 8 over the coming weeks. There is rumored to be a newer beta of Windows 8 out next week and we are hoping to be able to resolve the issues in a later beta or at least by the shipping version.

Regardless, there will be multiple versions of Windows 8 before it releases later this year. We plan to release HDXPRT 2012 this summer. We assume there will be some glitches. So, we expect that we will have to release an update to HDXPRT 2012 once Windows 8 is closer to its final version.

Also, once there is a version of Windows 8 that allows publishing performance results, we plan to look at what performance differences there are between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

A quick update on the beta—we are in the process of making the DVDs and will send them out next week. We sent emails to all the community members to confirm their correct shipping addresses. If you received that email, please respond. If you haven’t received that email, please let us know. We want to make sure the DVDs actually get to you!


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