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HDXPRT 2012 – Testing the test

We’re currently starting testing on alpha versions of HDXPRT 2012. In order to do that, we’re putting together a testbed. We have two goals for the testbed that are somewhat contradictory. The first is to make the testbed as diverse as possible in terms of vendors and configurations. We want notebooks and desktops from as many vendors as possible. We want to make sure we have systems that will push the edges—both slower systems that may even be below the minimum recommended configuration and faster ones representing the current latest and greatest. These systems will help us shake out bugs and provide some raw data that we can publish when the benchmark debuts in the new results database.

The second goal for the testbed is to have systems where we can easily change one variable at a time to help us understand the characteristics of the benchmark. Typically, these are white box systems where we can swap processors, disks, RAM, and so on. We will use the results from these systems in the benchmark characterization white paper we will create for the debut of HDXPRT 2012.

We’d like your opinions on what we should be certain to test. We think we have a good handle on what to include, but we want your ideas as well.

We also are looking for additional systems to include in our testbed. If you can supply some, please let me know. That is one way to make sure HDXPRT 2012 works on your system and to get your results in the results database. Rest assured, we will not publish those results without your permission. Regardless, the more systems we can test, the better the final product will be.

There will, of course, be opportunities for you to help with the testing as we get to the beta stage in the near future.


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