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The folks over at OpenSignal have created some pretty impressive visualizations of how fragmented the Android marketplace is. Pictures like that are a little daunting as we head to the public release of MobileXPRT 2013. However, the benchmark is looking pretty stable. Since we released MobileXPRT CP1.1 back in June, we have not encountered any problem configurations.

That includes our first encounter with the recently released Android 4.3. We tested MobileXPRT 2013 CP 1.1 on a Nexus 7 running Android 4.3. The benchmark ran with no problem. Here are the scores, along with scores from the same device running Android 4.2.2.

Android 4.2.2

Android 4.3

MobileXPRT performance



MobileXPRT user experience



Of course, WebXPRT 2013 ran on Android 4.3 as well. If you’re curious, here are the scores.

Android 4.2.2 Android 4.3



While the upgrade did not have a big effect on the score in the case of the Nexus 7, we will need to test on more devices before we can make a definitive statement about the effect of Android 4.3.3 on performance.


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