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Top 5 reasons for meeting us at Computex in Taipei

As I’ve mentioned before, Bill Catchings from PT will be at the upcoming Computex show in Taipei to debut HDXPRT 2011. At the same time, back home in North Carolina we’ll be mailing copies of the benchmark DVDs to all the members of the HDXPRT Development Community.

If you’re one of the lucky folks who gets to attend Computex, we’d love it if you would come by Bill’s room in the Hyatt (we’ll publicize the room number as soon as we know it), see the benchmark in action, and give us your thoughts about it. I know the show is huge and full of attractions, so I thought I’d give you the top five reasons you ought to make room in your schedule to visit with us.

5. Free snacks! We don’t know what they are yet, or even how we’ll persuade the hotel to let us have them, but we’re committed to providing something to quench your thirst and something to quell your hunger.

4. A break from the crowds. Not only do you get to sit, drink, eat, and see a great new benchmark, you get to do so in the quiet and luxury of a Taipei hotel suite. No more bumping shoulders with fellow show attendees or fighting to get to a place quiet enough that you can talk; in that room, you can relax.

3. You can affect the industry! The support for HDXPRT is growing. More and more organizations are using it. We don’t just want to show it to you; we want you to tell us what you think about it. Your opinions count, and they could help drive the design of the next version of the benchmark, HDXPRT 2012. Yeah, that’s right: the one in development isn’t out, and I’m already talking about the next one. Sue me: I like to live on the edge.

2. You don’t want to make Bill cry. Imagine him, sitting alone in the room, laptop humming, ready to demonstrate this cool new testing tool, and no one to keep him company. His sadness would be so unbearable that I can’t bear to think of what he might do. You can’t let that happen.

1. It’s way cooler to get your HDXPRT DVDs in person! That’s right: Bill’s not just going to show you the benchmark, he’s going to give you your very own copy! He’ll probably shake your hand, too, and thank you for coming. Admit it: that’s cooler than getting it in the mail (which is also pretty darn good—and which will happen to you if you join the HDXPRT Development Community).

Mark Van Name

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