If you’ve ever ordered a product, transferred money, or made a reservation online, you’ve interacted with an online transaction processing (OLTP) database. Fast and reliable OLTP database performance is a driving force behind today’s market economy, and if businesses that offer online goods or services want to thrive, their systems must be able to handle ever-increasing database demands at the speed and scale their customers demand.

We used Microsoft SQL Server and an OLTP workload to show that new 16th Generation Dell PowerEdge MX760c servers can give businesses the increased performance and capacity they need. These servers handled 19.7% more database transactions and supported 25% more virtual machines than the 15th Generation PowerEdge MX750c servers, all while maintaining the same response times. In addition, the new-generation PowerEdge MX760c servers displayed that performance and capacity edge while running in the same MX7000 chassis that hosted the MX750c servers. That means that businesses can add Dell PowerEdge MX760c servers to an existing MX7000 chassis and achieve better SQL Server performance without increasing their data center footprint. With these advantages, Dell PowerEdge MX760c servers can provide many businesses with the increased computing performance and VM density they need to support customer demand, both now and into the future.

To learn more about our tests, check out the report below.