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How to automate WebXPRT 3 testing

Yesterday, we published the WebXPRT 3 release notes, which contain instructions on how to run the benchmark, submit results, and use automation to run the tests.

Test automation is a helpful feature that lets you use scripts to run WebXPRT 3 and to control specific test parameters. Below, you’ll find a description of those parameters and instructions for utilizing automation.

Test type

The WebXPRT automation framework is designed to account for two test types: the six core workloads and any experimental workloads we might add in future builds. There are currently no experimental tests in WebXPRT 3, so the test type variable should always be set to 1.

  • Core tests: 1
  • Experimental tests: 2

Test scenario

This parameter lets you specify which tests to run by using the following codes:

  • Photo enhancement: 1
  • Organize album using AI: 2
  • Stock option pricing: 4
  • Encrypt notes and OCR scan: 8
  • Sales graphs: 16
  • Online homework: 32

To run an individual test, use its code. To run multiple tests, use the sum of their codes. For example, to run Stocks (4) and Notes (8), use the sum of 12. To run all core tests, use 63, the sum of all the individual test codes (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63).

Results format

This parameter lets you select the format of the results:

  • Display the result as an HTML table: 1
  • Display the result as XML: 2
  • Display the result as CSV: 3
  • Download the result as CSV: 4

To use the automation feature, start with the URL, append a question mark (?), and add the parameters and values separated by ampersands (&). For example, to run all the core tests and download the results, you would use the following URL:

We hope WebXPRT’s automation features will make testing easier for you. If you have any questions about WebXPRT or the automation process, please feel free to ask!


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