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System results

Source PT
Date 2019-04-15
Benchmark version 0.3
System summary Intel Core i9-9900X CPU / TensorFlow
ML accelerator N/A
ML framework TensorFlow
Network model ResNet-50
Results files Results files
Precision FP32
Batch size 32
Concurrent instances 1
Latency percentile 90th
Latency (ms) 611.5
Throughput (images/sec) 52.6
CPU Intel Core i9-9900X @ 3.50 GHz
GPU Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080Ti 11G
Memory size and type 64 GB DDR4-3000
Storage size and type 512 GB SSD
ML accelerator N/A
# ML accelerators 0
CPU accelerator interconnect N/A
Network card(s) Intel Ethernet I219V
OS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Model info Default
Additional notes

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